Labor Efficiency

Labor Efficiency allows the user to use different efficiencies in the calculation of labor on line items. The labor efficiency pricing varies for prices calculated for a repair/maintenance of property versus new construction. In the case of a repair/maintenance, for example, to patch a wall may require covering up existing flooring, where in new construction that would not be necessary. The Labor Efficiency options can be accessed within the Pricing tab of an estimate.

To change a Labor Efficiency:

Click on the dropdown list adjacent to Labor Efficiency and select Repair/Maintenance or New Construction. If the current labor efficiency is set to Repair/Maintenance and you change it to New Construction, or vice versa, a note will appear on the top portion of the screen, asking if you would like to reprice.

Since you have changed how the pricing will be calculated, you would want to select Yes. A new message will then open at the top of the screen showing the change of the total price that has occurred because of the reprice.




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